Intenet Explorer is in a curious position of being the most used web browser but also one of the most criticised. Internet Explorer 9 is a big step in the right direction with improvements to performance and interface design.
Sadly there is also a disappointment in that it is only available for Windows Vista
and 7, there is no official version for Windows XP. XP users might want to look to one of the alternatives – such as Firefox, Chrome or Opera – for a boost in performance.
The most obvious change on starting Internet Explorer 9 is that all of the browser controls are now on single line, leaving a lot more space for web pages.
Putting tabs and the address bar on the same line does mean that it is often hard to see the whole web address. That is rarely a problem but it would be better if Internet Explorer followed the example of Opera. Opera shows the basic website without the rest of the link unless you click in the address bar itself.
The address box also doubles as search, which should help to remove some confusion when you are using the browser.
We also think Internet Explorer could do a much better job of showing when it is connected to a secure site. As the picture below shows other browsers do a better job of making this clear compared to the small padlock in the Internet Explorer address bar.
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